Monday, February 25, 2013

Daily Life and Economy

My utopia is about happiness.What utopia means to me is being satisfied and happy.The residents at my island spend their days doing anything they want to do for the day,such as swimming,surfing and lots of other things.Jobs and school?Well both. Scool is defenately something we have in my utopia.I want all kids to have an education but we also make school fun too!Oh and not everyone has to have a job but you do need to have a job to support your family and provide for them.My utopia is not exactly "worry free" as you might think.Because life is full of problems, and how can you learn how to handle certain things if there are no problems,or no mistakes?Age does change peoples daily living if you are young like 5-17 you will be attending school like we do here at west,and older people will mostlikely go to work during the day. Yes you can retire to enjoy life!To me free-time is like enjoying the day and doing something you like doing.There is television, any show or movie you can think of there is one .The meals are prepared by very experienced chefs and are brought to you individualy and in groups .Food is grown here and everyone is treated equaly, with respect!If someone was to get sick a doctor would come to help and yes, they would pay the doctor but they would not gave to pay as much as we do nowadays.My plans for this utopia are not even close to what we have studied about utopia and their daily lives.


  1. Awesome need to add spaces after sentences

  2. Pretty good, but there are some spelling errors for instance the second school you spelled it scool.

  3. It is a great plan!! But you have many spelling errors which is a big pet peev of mine. Other than those errors this is a great post and idea.

  4. It is a good utopian idea. :) Your biggest problem is spelling.


  5. Very true... life is full of problems because none are perfect!! sounds pretty much like america to me though. anna

  6. It sounds wonderful, but spelling needs to be fix!!!


  7. I love how your community is based on happiness. Everyone needs that to survive. :)

  8. Good ! Just work on the grammar.

  9. Your blog is good, but you need to work on spelling and grammar.


  10. I love how full of life your utopia is, but work on your spelling and spaces.

  11. haha what a detailed description..wheres the rest?
